Posts tagged Floral Dress
An Afternoon Tea Party With Laura Ashley at The Stella

Wow! What a weekend! After taking this last year to really ground myself and work on transformation from the inside, I finally made it out for the Laura Ashley 70th Anniversary Event with Growing Up Texas! It was so incredible to meet Jennifer and Mike who restored a vintage Grand Station with Laura Ashley printed fabrics. The event was hosted at one of my favorite local hotels, The Stella and catered by Campfire Grill. The whole experience was out of a storybook and unfolded beautifully as we mixed and mingled on Saturday afternoon.

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Anxiety Relief and Utilizing a Coping Checklist

Mental health. I’m so glad this topic has been on the rise especially since the pandemic hit. Now more than ever more and more people need resources. My anxiety journey began about 10 years ago. Through a series of trials, errors, and lots of therapy I am now able to manage panic attacks and anxiety without medication. This post is in no way meant to replace medical advice. If you are struggling I absolutely recommend seeking professional help. Today I’d like to share a resource I use in my own mental health toolkit called a “Coping Checklist.” I’m going to share with you guys a few benefits of having one and the science behind it, how to create one, and when to use it. The biggest key in your coping checklist is to use it as soon as you feel anxiety come on. The more you go through the sequence the easier the panic becomes to manage.

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