Posts in interior design
The Magic of Reading

Since I was a little girl books provided me an escape. We moved a lot growing up because my dad was in the military and spent tons of time in transit. I remember being six years old and when we arrived in Germany we had three tv channels that spoke English. Similarly when I was in High School we moved to Asia and there was limited tv. My sister and I grew up playing countless hours of board games and dolls together but when we were exhausted from that I would sneak of to my room and pull out a good book. Hard back binding and crisp pages with printed lettering took me away from the concrete walls of military housing and provided an outlet for my imagination. To this day, whenever I feel lost or down I pull out my favorite books and am instantly transported out of my current environment.

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Lipsticks to Conquer the World

Drumroll please…It’s finally here. Opulence lipsticks are back in stock after months and months of waiting. Not only are they back in stock but come in six glorious shades. From bold pink to soft matte rose there’s just nothing I mean nothing more glam that swiping on a bold shade of lipstick to tackle the day! I am so excited to share our newest holiday bundle with your choice of three shades for under $60. These babies are not for the faint of heart. They have lasting power that exceeded all of my expectations!

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The Coziest Christmas Decor

I spent this weekend nestled up reading books and baking delicious sugar cookies for the holidays. I love this time of year and try to fully immerse myself in as many festive activities as possible. Although this year is already looking different than last - no large holiday parties or gatherings, I’m determined to make it count. I’ve been adding little touches all over the home to bring a cheerful atmosphere no matter how cold it is outside. From sequin embellished pillows to colorful tiny bottle brush trees the space is filled from ceiling to floors in sweet holiday decor. You can have a beautiful home no matter what your budget may be if you are thoughtful and creative. Surprisingly many of the little trees I’ve picked up over the years were found at dollar stores or discount stores. Keep your eyes open and look at new ways to use items.

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Baking Gingerbread Houses from Scratch

Every year my daughter and I decorate gingerbread houses. We’ve been doing this since she was five and it’s become a really fun tradition over the years. Most years we use a gingerbread kit. To date my favorite one came from Sprout’s which you can see in this previous post where we also mad our own wrapping paper for the season. This year I went ahead and braved doing one from scratch. Although it ended up being a little wompy the memories of making it will forever reside in my heart. Sometimes it’s not about being perfect it’s about the process.

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Adding Holiday Touches to Your Table

Isn’t there something magical about sitting down at a beautiful table? Each season I set our table with a different theme. You can scroll back to this post for a Autumn Inspired table for this week’s Thanksgiving preparations or this previous post where I show you how to come up with a theme! But tablescapes are a fun and easy way to add a little decor to your home. This year, we’ve been pulling out all of the soft green, white and pinks for our holiday decorations. I decided to carry the same color scheme I use all year round and just add a few touches that are winter themed to our living and dining room. Little bottle brush trees are scattered throughout the place (37 in total) and a few containers filled with ornaments add so much sweetness to the area this year. Since we are spending more time here than usual I decided to make the space feel warm and inviting.

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How to Set an Fall Inspired Table

One of my favorite ways to welcome the changing of the seasons is to create a beautiful tablescape. I’ve always been the one in my family to set the table for holiday dinners. I love mixing and matching textures to create a beautiful visual for the whole household to enjoy. Layering different textures and shapes is a fun and creative way to transition your home into the new season. Today I’ll share with you guys how I created this beautiful Autumn inspired Fairytale pumpkin tablespace!

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Three Ways to Add Autumn Touches Around Your Home

I love decorating! Who else? Are you one of those who is constantly rearranging things inside your home? One of the easiest ways to get in the fall spirit is to add few touches to your home. It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money or be a big hassle - but a few embellishments go far! You don’t have to stop at decor, think about creating an experience when you walk in your door. We are spending so much more time indoors these days it’s nice to have a place that’s welcoming and warm as the months get cooler.

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Red, White and Blue Table Decor

I shared a little about past fourth of July experiences in my post the other day. Let me tell you how much I absolutely adore family holidays. The smiles, the loud talking over one another and all of the fun food warm my heart every time. Although I’ve had my fair share of dramatic holidays - trust me - it isn’t always puppies and rainbows over here (unfortunately) but for the most part I try to look forward to celebrating life occasions whether I have friends and family near or not. What about you? Are you one who also looks forward to holidays like the fourth of July?

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Making Magic Happen on the Lawn

I began writing Three Heel Clicks eight years ago with the intention of sharing everyday magical moments with you guys. Over the course of the years I realize that not only has this become a passion of mine but it has quickly become my purpose. I empower, uplift and inspire others to live their best life in the best way that they know how. For me, that means having picnic out on the line for a little magic on a Tuesday evening like I did tonight. After a few cloudy days it was delightful to watch the sun cast its golden glow upon the Earth.

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Easy Heirloom Tomato Tart On the Patio For dinner

Staying at home means everyday meals are an opportunity to create a little magic. Having extra time on my hands has done some amazing things to the soul! How about you? Are you feeling inspired these days? Lately, I take time to do things with a little more effort instead of my normal rushing through life a million miles a minute. It’s been refreshing for my creative side! Dinner became an heirloom tomato tart on puff pastry al fresco. I’ve even started getting dolled up for dinner at home like they used to in the 1800’s. Taking major cues from southern France’s culture!

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Front Porch Swing

Let’s start with story time today… back when I was a little girl we lived in Lawton/Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Most of you have little idea where the heck that is and for good reason. We lived on an artillery base. So if you weren’t into those sorts of things or part of the military it’s unlikely you would know about it’s location. I spent the formative latter years of elementary school there. Summers felt like gusts blowing from a constant furnace across your cheeks in the blistering dry heat and Winters were filled with all of the fun of building a snowman.

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Fresh Flowers Around the Home

Wow am I doing all of the things these days? What about you? Have you found new ways of experiencing joy? I wrote a little bit about that idea yesterday. One of the activities that brings me so much joy is being able to post here on Three Heel Clicks. I started this blogging journey in 2011!! Can you believe it?! How crazy!! So it’s been a minute am I’m so incredibly thankful for all of he support from you guys. I couldn’t and wouldn’t have made it without you. 

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