Spending Time on My Purpose

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This is the first blog post I’ve written in weeks and feel like the break from everyday life was exactly what my spirit needed. At the beginning of this year I wrote the following on my mirror in pink lipstick:

  • Simplicity

  • Discernment

  • Purpose.

I’ve prayed over these three words and back in March I felt compelled to spend time alone addressing underlying parts of my soul. If you are one who has come to a point in life where you are seeking the deeper part of your soul, I can relate. I felt an overwhelming desire for discernment and purpose in my life. For months I battled with an internal struggle and what I would call spiritual warfare. My soul was literally battling with purpose on a daily basis. I decided at the beginning of April it was time to schedule free time (a contradiction in itself - haha!) to do some soul searching without the distractions of daily life.

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And so I made plans. Although the course of the plan did end up shifting and maybe one day I’ll feel it is placed upon my heart to dive into deeper details, just know that I was meant to be in the very place in time this past month. Something happened one day when I was driving home. I had knots lining my shoulder blades for the past month. There were over 15 spots that ached daily. It was excruciating. I was told I had a build up of lactic acid.

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As I am behind the steering wheel suddenly so many things in my heart, soul and mind came together and I realized I’ve been carrying around the weight of my past experiences. I also realized in this moment that every wrong choice, circumstance and event in my life led to the preparation of this moment where my purpose in life was revealed to me. Within 30 seconds my knots disappeared.

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I awoke each morning this week with a peace I’ve never experienced before. The knots are still gone and my eyes shifted to focus on my purpose which has been known to me by Jesus. I prefer on this blog not to share religious or political viewpoints, but to make it a space to encourage you to live a better life.

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What about you? Are you at a place in life where you are going through an unexplained internal struggle or spiritual warfare? Please share your experiences!

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