Goodbye 2020


With only one more day until the end of the year I thought it would be nice to do a quick recap of 2020. This year was full of challenges, setbacks and growth. We saw our entire world shut down, our country go into a state of division, and home life entirely shift. With all of those events I challenge you to reflect upon both the positive and the negative. All circumstances have pros and cons. As I began reflecting through this year I noticed there was an increase in my own life in my focus on self-care, personal development, and mindset. Many of the blog posts I shared with you guys over this past year showed progression of my personal transformation. I hope they serve as inspiration for you to gain perspective on your own life purpose and mission.

Take a few minutes over the next few days and think about where you are looking to go over this next year. I enjoy picking a theme word to focus on - 2018 was the word Health, 2019 was the word Simplicity, and 2020 was the word Explode. This upcoming year is going to be the word Abundance. From relationships to prosperity my life will revolve around abundance. I believe all things are possible and to get to the next level in my life Abundance must be realized. Write down the things you want to discard and then write down the things you want to call forth. You have more power than you realize but to call things forth you have to be intentional.

On a last note, thank you so much for being apart of my journey. Without you guys it would just be a curly hair blonde girl jotting down words on a laptop. I deeply appreciate every comment, direct message and email you guys send me! Love you all and I wish you a very Happy New Year!