Live Your Best Life Now

Three Heel Clicks - Live Your Best Life Now

Wow! What a week so far. Texas has now adopted Michigan’s weather and Spring seems about a million years away. This week temperatures dropped to plunging degrees. I meaning lowest than they have been in decades. Being that I live in College Station, TX where a normal “Winter” is about three weeks and maybe includes an icy road here or there… this is our second snowfall to date this year. Apparently the week isn’t over and Winter isn’t either. With the power constantly going in and out, home internet being completely down and then a leak happening - my daughter and I decided to swipe on a little lipstick and spend the afternoon playing dress up. As the global pandemic continues to be a stressor, crazy weather patterns and so much uncertainty I realize now more than ever how important it is to make the most out of every single moment.

Three Heel Clicks - Live Your Best Life Now

After having several conversations this past week with various friends I realized there is a common theme in our speech these days - when Covid is over, when the weather gets better, when it’s back to normal… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said this myself. The truth of the matter is that we don’t know when or if the world is going to go back to normal. In fact, we may need to accept the fact that it may never go back to normal. The world may forever be impacted by these changes and we have to be willing to pivot to the new life. Mental health issues are on the rise and I believe the longer we allow this impact to affect us, the harder its going to get. I believe we can live our best life now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year - the power is in NOW.

Three Heel Clicks - Live Your Best Life Now

I challenge you this week to do something that brings you joy. Plan a family vacation that’s socially distant. Bake something from scratch. Grab yourself the best skincare products you can get your hands on and then refresh your skincare regimen. Take long bubble baths and read books on actual paper instead of your phone. Make a bucket list for this year and start crushing each one off one by one. Collect memories so that no matter what life brings you your world is beautifully crafted. Most of all - don’t forget the next time you feel down to grab a swipe of lipstick and wear the dress.

Shop the Dress

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