Posts tagged Small Town Charm
Winter Boots Guide

Last weekend I made a trip to East Texas to check out the last of the beautiful Fall foliage that we have here in Texas before the gray of Winter sets in. I stopped at the sweetest little city in Sulphur Springs where I found the prettiest building which is their courthouse. It immediately made me feel like I was standing in front of a castle! Small town Texas is known for it’s beautiful architecture like this. So much European influence from Germany, France and Spain! Sulphur sits between East Texas and Dallas. If you get a chance to stop through there, I highly recommend it! So much boutique shopping and places to eat. There’s a beautiful park in the center of the town square you can stroll!

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Small Town Charm: A Weekend in Historic Vicksburg

Over the summer I had the pleasure of visiting beautiful Vicksburg, Mississippi. This historic town offered the best weekend getaway and if you are looking for a lovely place to stay in the South, I highly recommend a brief trip. Nestled along the Mississippi River there is plenty to see and do for a few days. I loved how much history took place here to include the European exploration and Civil War events. There is so much culture to soak in while you stay and overall one of my top cities to travel to in the past few years. Below you will find few of my favorite spots including where to stay, what to eat and things to see while you are there.

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One Year of Being Single

As I approach the one year mark of being single I realize how important this past year has been in regards to my personal growth. I am pretty sure this was the most significant jump in my entire life. After a huge breakup this time last year I decided before I spent any amount of time seeking a new relationship or even dating much for that matter, I would take time to unpeel the layers of my life and figure out why and how I got to where I was. My last relationship was pretty rough especially towards the end. We were going in significantly different directions and shared minimal life values. It was hard to break up but I knew at the time there was no other choice if I wanted to grow in my own life. I shared in a previous blog post - how to handle a major break up and more about my outlook in the post title how to be single over the holidays. Fast forward to this month where it officially ended a year ago. Here are my own reflections about how life improved, what changed in my perspective and some tips for growth in your own life.

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Small Town Charm: Coffee and Antique Shopping in Huntsville

It’s been a minute since I posted a Small Town Charm post. Yesterday, I took a day trip to my old college stomping ground in Huntsville, TX. It’s been a few year years since I made that journey and remembered just how pretty it was during the Fall and Spring. It’s about a 45 minute drive from College Station and an hour and a half from Houston. The perfect getaway for antique shopping, coffee and lunch. The sky was a clear blue which made the drive even more enjoyable! I spent a few hours picking up a few gifts in the anitique stores and then grabbed a really delicious Sipsy’s latte at a local coffee shop. Did you know that Huntsville has a ton of history in its downtown and surrounding areas? Yep, in the mid-1800’s it was a spot where General Sam Houston stayed! In fact, the corner I’m standing on below was a location he spent time in! History is so much fun when you start imaging all of the places and situations people have been in before in the exact same spots.

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