Posts in Fashion
Girl Mom Gifts for Teens and Tweens

I have to tell you - I absolutely LOVE being a girl mom! It’s been so much fun over the years being able to give my kiddo special items. One of my love languages is gift giving and I rarely cease the opportunity to come up with something special for her on holidays. This year is not different, especially since she’s doing distance learning and there won’t be a class holiday party. I thought it would be fun to do a quick round up of some of the items I was thinking about getting her and a few things that were on her wish list to share with you guys. All of the beauty products are non-toxic and cruelty free so safe for all ages to use! You’ll also find a bunch of clothing and accessory pics below for under $100. I’m curious - how many of you are also girl moms?

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Doing Scary Things

A few years ago I decided to stop letting fear get in the way of living. It takes a moment to moment approach but when you are doing something that requires bravery you don’t feel brave. You feel nervous, your heart races, and your chest may tighten. But as you move through each moment it begins to be bearable. Maybe your fear is public speaking. Maybe your fear is putting yourself out there on social media. Maybe your fear is standing up to someone in your family or at your job. Whatever the fear is, you can get through it. It won’t be easy, but the easy things don’t bring fulfillment. It’s through the hard lessons our character develops and our faith is strengthened.

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Favorite Hairstyles for at Home

Being at home most days I realize more than ever having comfortable hairstyles are now a necessary part of my life. These days I just don’t always feel like “fixing” my hair and want something really quick to pull off my face and still look polished on social media or ZOOM calls. Meet my BFF the french braid. I also am a big fan of the fun bun and wearing a fun bun. Whether you have two minutes or ten, I’ve rounded up a bunch of cute hair accessories to add oomph to any look you want to create.

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The Perfect Beauty Gifts to Spoil her for Valentine's Day

We are few weeks away from Valentine’s Day which is the PERFECT time to start browsing gift ideas! With so many businesses online now, it’s a deal to get things knocked out sooner than later. Giving the gift of clean beauty is the perfect way to show someone you love how much you care! Pretty much anyone (no matter what the age) can benefit from skincare that is proven to help produce a healthier face! I’m rounding up a few of my favorite products like our masks, new cleansing balm and lipsticks that are perfect to give the special someone in your life.

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Pushing the Outdoor Reset Button

We are already two weeks into 2021 and I don’t know about you, but I’ve found time outdoors is time well spent. Last weekend College Station and a large portion of Central and South East Texas experienced a snow storm. It was odd, but welcomed following a bleak week of political events earlier that week. Social media was soon flooded with pictures of snowmen, snow angels, families getting outdoors and kids having snowball fights. It was one of the most refreshing experiences and I have to tell you it was much needed for all of us.

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Favorite Winter White Finds on Amazon

Every January I find myself gravitating towards simplifying. From clearing out clutter and holiday decor to clean eating the turn of the year presents itself with a chance to start clean. I find this theme is reflected in my home, my beauty routine and my wardrobe.

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Winter Skincare Guide

Yesterday we had a ton of snow in a winter storm here in Texas. After spending the day playing in all of the flurries I realized my skin needed some extra care and love. I have extremely sensitive and reactive skin. It usually requires attention if I travel to a new environment, make a change in what I eat or experience weather changes. Winter usually brings a drop in temperature and a drop in humidity. I noticed over the past few months my skin has been a little on the dry side. Here are the products I am using in my skincare routine to help combat snow, rain, sleet and dry weather for a clear and health complexion.

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Five Ways to Brighten Your Own Day

I’m pretty sure all of us felt a little jolted this week. Not to mention, all of 2020 was an impact. I noticed although I personally experienced highs and lows throughout the past year, the last few months of 2020 I felt my energy lowered. The days were getting darker earlier. I was struggling with quality sleep. My activity goals dropped on fitness. All in all I was in a little bit of a funk. As I moved through about two months of that I started noting things that were bringing my energy down. As I noted things that made me stressed versus things that made me feel energized I started moving away from the the negative. I realized after going through this dip it was more important than ever to bring my own sunshine. Whether it’s something simple or lavish - do what makes you feel alive and good. Move one step closer to being a happier and mentally healthier person. Here are five ways to brighten your own day.

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Word of the Year for 2021: Abundance

My 2021 word of the year is ABUNDANCE! The word “Abundance” is stated in the dictionary “a very large quantity of something.” For some abundance means prosperity or having more things. I seek an abundance of faith. For years I struggled with doubt and limiting beliefs. To obtain the next level in my life, I seek abundant faith. If you break the concept of faith down it’s knowing something is available and attainable without having already seen it. It’s the dream behind the magic of life. It’s the creative thought process and hope to aspire to higher ideas. I seek abundance with the foundation that my faith is bigger than my fears.

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Goodbye 2020

With only one more day until the end of the year I thought it would be nice to do a quick recap of 2020. This year was full of challenges, setbacks and growth. We saw our entire world shut down, our country go into a state of division, and home life entirely shift. With all of those events I challenge you to reflect upon both the positive and the negative. All circumstances have pros and cons. As I began reflecting through this year I noticed there was an increase in my own life in my focus on self-care, personal development, and mindset. Many of the blog posts I shared with you guys over this past year showed progression of my personal transformation. I hope they serve as inspiration for you to gain perspective on your own life purpose and mission.

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Refresh Your Beauty Regimen

As the new year is approaching and resolutions are being made I realize that one of the best things I’ve ever done to take care of myself was to refresh my beauty regimen. A few years ago I struggled with hormonal acne. It was so incredibly tough being an adult. It affected my confidence so much. After making a few simple changes and managing my stress level I was able to improve the health of my skin and reduce problems with acne. I changed my regimen, switched to non-toxic products and implemented healthier lifestyle choices. Now I make it a point to regularly point to clear out old products and clean things out. Here are a few ways I’m refreshing my beauty regimen for the upcoming year.

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Finding Joy Alone

“‘Tis the Damn Season…” says Taylor Swift. If there were ever a song line to relate to that would be the one for Holiday Season 2020. That’s exactly what I thought when Christmas started getting closer. It would be the first in four years that I wouldn’t have my kiddo with me. My heart hurt. However, I have a responsibility to myself and those around me to not sit in pain but instead find joy. Joy in all moments. I figured out this year that joy can come in so many forms if you are willing to seek it out. So I went searching for it instead of sitting home on my couch moping. (I’ve done my fair share of moping for one lifetime and don’t want to go back to being that way.) I wrote about what happens when you let go in your life earlier this week and I’m letting go of all of the fear, sadness and past pain so I have tons of room for peace and joy. If you are also at this crossroad where you are just tired of being sick and tired… then read on.

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The Ultimate Amazon Gift List

Okay procrastinators! It’s T-minus two weeks until Christmas Day. The closer we get, the fewer the options you’ll have. This year I’ve crossed all but two off my list so far. However, there have been many years I couldn’t afford to do so until the very last minute. I figured an Amazon list was in order since this shopping mecca provides quick service delivery times and has basically anything and everything you will need.

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Gifting Books to Grow

Over the years my family who are avid readers have given the gifts of books time and time again. I have to tell you, books are some of my favorite gifts to give and receive. Last year I shared a few favorites in this post and then also I did a book review on Facebook live here. Books are incredible for the brain. Did you know it’s the best way to exercise your mind? It’s like giving your brain a high intensity workout. This year most of the books I’ve read revolved around the topic of personal development: spiritual, business, mental health and healing. I set out early in the year to make my life “explode” and knew from day 1 it would require an immense amount of focus. Some of these books were ones I listened to while others I read in paper form. Because I spend so much time in my life working on screens my book time stays off screen. Today’s post includes my favorite finds on Amazon so you still have time to grab for those loved ones or gift yourself as you begin a new year.

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Lipsticks to Conquer the World

Drumroll please…It’s finally here. Opulence lipsticks are back in stock after months and months of waiting. Not only are they back in stock but come in six glorious shades. From bold pink to soft matte rose there’s just nothing I mean nothing more glam that swiping on a bold shade of lipstick to tackle the day! I am so excited to share our newest holiday bundle with your choice of three shades for under $60. These babies are not for the faint of heart. They have lasting power that exceeded all of my expectations!

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The Coziest Christmas Decor

I spent this weekend nestled up reading books and baking delicious sugar cookies for the holidays. I love this time of year and try to fully immerse myself in as many festive activities as possible. Although this year is already looking different than last - no large holiday parties or gatherings, I’m determined to make it count. I’ve been adding little touches all over the home to bring a cheerful atmosphere no matter how cold it is outside. From sequin embellished pillows to colorful tiny bottle brush trees the space is filled from ceiling to floors in sweet holiday decor. You can have a beautiful home no matter what your budget may be if you are thoughtful and creative. Surprisingly many of the little trees I’ve picked up over the years were found at dollar stores or discount stores. Keep your eyes open and look at new ways to use items.

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Feeling Blue Over the Holidays?

It occured to me as I was shooting these photographs last night in downtown Bryan with decorations everywhere that the holidays are not so much fun for everyone. I’m generally a cheerful person but I’m definitely not blind to other people struggling. Maybe you’ve lost a loved one during this time of year. Maybe you just are at a season that’s been really tough and you can’t seem to shake it yet. Maybe you are one of those people that had a terrible childhood and now the holidays floods back memories. Whatever it is - if you are feeling blue right now this post is definitely for you.

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Baking Gingerbread Houses from Scratch

Every year my daughter and I decorate gingerbread houses. We’ve been doing this since she was five and it’s become a really fun tradition over the years. Most years we use a gingerbread kit. To date my favorite one came from Sprout’s which you can see in this previous post where we also mad our own wrapping paper for the season. This year I went ahead and braved doing one from scratch. Although it ended up being a little wompy the memories of making it will forever reside in my heart. Sometimes it’s not about being perfect it’s about the process.

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Black Friday Picks for Her

Black Friday is HERE!!! I couldn’t be more excited. The sales this year are incredible and I cannot wait to pick up a few more things for my loved ones. I’ve rounded up several of my favorite items for her! If you missed my Gifts for Him post you can check it out here. On a side note a new eyeshadow palette was released this morning that is absolutely incredible! You can grab it with eye primer for 25% off. I also am loving accessories right now like these earrings, a new set of masks and of course mascara. What’s on your list? You can shop a few of my favorites below!

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Adding Holiday Touches to Your Table

Isn’t there something magical about sitting down at a beautiful table? Each season I set our table with a different theme. You can scroll back to this post for a Autumn Inspired table for this week’s Thanksgiving preparations or this previous post where I show you how to come up with a theme! But tablescapes are a fun and easy way to add a little decor to your home. This year, we’ve been pulling out all of the soft green, white and pinks for our holiday decorations. I decided to carry the same color scheme I use all year round and just add a few touches that are winter themed to our living and dining room. Little bottle brush trees are scattered throughout the place (37 in total) and a few containers filled with ornaments add so much sweetness to the area this year. Since we are spending more time here than usual I decided to make the space feel warm and inviting.

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