Posts in Fashion
Restoring Yourself in Nature This Season

Let’s go ahead and just start with how this post can benefit everyone. I mean EVERYONE right now. Whether you want to admit it or not COVID-19 forever changed us and being stuck inside all the time is rough. Currently, I work from home and homeschool my child with virtual learning. By the end of the week my routines feel monotonous and I have an itch to go explore. For most of this past year I’ve taken day trips to surrounding areas like antique shopping or exploring near by honey and lavender farms. Every time I get a chance to leave I come back feeling renewed. I gain inspiration that carries me through the coming days and weeks. My soul literally feels more joy. Last weekend my daughter and I took a trip to Cedar Park on the north side of Austin. Our activities included being mostly outside and socially distant. At the end of the weekend she said this hike in St. Edwards Park was the best thing we did. Whether you face nature alone or take your loved ones, getting a little lost in nature is often times the refresher we all need to get us through the stressful times.

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The Butterfly Garden

Yesterday I shared a little about our girl’s weekend trip to Austin and the incredible sunset we saw from Mt. Bonnell. The week has been full of so many magical memories and on the way here my daughter asked if we could go to a butterfly place. With all of Austin’s wildlife I figured there had to be one. I did a quick search and sure enough a few places popped up including this one. We arose yesterday morning for a quick breakfast stop at The Original Pancake House and since we were about a 15 minute minute drive away from the garden decided to add it to our itinerary for the day. It was definitely worth it! It’s also located by a food truck park and Mueller Lake Park so lots to do in the area!

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Creamy Skies on an Autumn Evening

One of the best views in the city is Mt. Bonnell. You can climb up in about a five minute walk to get a breathtaking view of the entire city. I’ve share about this location before during sunrise and sunset is just as beautiful. Because the view sits on the 360 loop it’s a beautiful sunset drive up there! Highly recommend to do if you are looking to visit Austin. We dressed up for dinner and then made the walk up for a brief glimpse of sunset. It was amazing and she told me she wanted to just sit and enjoy this because we don’t get to see it every day.

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Holiday Style in the South

Being located in Texas means our holiday season doesn’t stay cold for very long. Our temperatures are ranging from 50’s to 80’s right now and so pulling out tons of Winter layers isn’t the most practical. As Christmas and the holidays are quickly approaching I like dressing in festive textures with sequins and sparkles and I love incorporating reds and greens during this time. Here are a few ways to incorporate more holiday styles into a southern wardrobe while the weather is still feeling like Spring and Summer.

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Small Town Charm: Coffee and Antique Shopping in Huntsville

It’s been a minute since I posted a Small Town Charm post. Yesterday, I took a day trip to my old college stomping ground in Huntsville, TX. It’s been a few year years since I made that journey and remembered just how pretty it was during the Fall and Spring. It’s about a 45 minute drive from College Station and an hour and a half from Houston. The perfect getaway for antique shopping, coffee and lunch. The sky was a clear blue which made the drive even more enjoyable! I spent a few hours picking up a few gifts in the anitique stores and then grabbed a really delicious Sipsy’s latte at a local coffee shop. Did you know that Huntsville has a ton of history in its downtown and surrounding areas? Yep, in the mid-1800’s it was a spot where General Sam Houston stayed! In fact, the corner I’m standing on below was a location he spent time in! History is so much fun when you start imaging all of the places and situations people have been in before in the exact same spots.

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Holiday Beauty I Can't Live Without

The holiday season is a time to pull out all of the stops to sparkle and shine. As this year’s season approaches I’ve found I am drawing so much inspiration for the 1930’s. Did you know that during The Great Depression musicals and glamourous Hollywood scenes were used to lift the spirits of those in trying times. When you look at movies made during that era formal gowns made of satin and sequins were everywhere. Was it practical? Absolutely not. Especially when many families were barely able to make ends meet, but it served hope for many. I believe if we stop dreaming we start dying.

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Resurfacing in Life

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

At the beginning of 2020 I chose the word explode for my year. When I selected that word I thought it would be my business that would explode. Little did I know God had bigger plans than that. Every single area of my life ended up changing - mentally, physically, emotionally, my home, my work, my parenting. All the energy from the past few years I put forth came together to form this new life I have now. I am obsessively grateful for where I am today, but I’ll never forget where I came from. I believe that are moments of struggle are tests of faith. As we move through those dark valleys with faith and hope we are able to make it to the other side where the blessing lie. My life is a living testimony of that. It didn’t explode until I pushed through the pain. It didn’t reap the blessings without the sacrifice.

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Weekend Afternoon at the Lavender Farm

I’m a sucker for farms. There’s nothing more heavenly to me than driving out to the countryside and learning about various plants and produce. I’ve visited a variety of places over the years like picking out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and winding through a corn maze at Barton Hills Farm. Grabbing honey at Bee Weaver Farm just a few weeks ago. I’m at heart an outdoor person and Fall in Texas is always a good time to enjoy activities like picnics and wandering aimlessly through nature. This particular Saturday I hopped over to Chappell Hill to visit their lavender fields and store.

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How to Handle a Major Break Up

Earlier this year I experienced the ending of a very very long relationship. I’m here to tell you that no matter how bad the relationship gets, the break up is not an easy path. Especially if you’ve intertwined your lives by moving in together, getting married or having a child together. I believe there is a mourning period for the end of anything in life no matter how joyful the ultimate outcome is. You can know in your mind and soul that ending the relationship is the best thing for yourself, but actually going through the breakup itself takes time to heal. The thing is, you had a life with this person and dreams and hopes. When a major relationship ends, those dreams end. The life you thought you had will never be that way and the hope for the relationship to improve ends, too. As I’ve watched many friends and famous relationships break up during COVID-19 I realized this is a topic that many could benefit from reading.

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Fall Picnic in the Park

Every Fall and Spring my daughter and I make it a point to get out of the house and go for a picnic. We’ve been doing this for years at this point and it just never gets old. We’ve spent holidays like Mother’s Day on a picnic and then sometimes just go on a whim to enjoy the scenery around us. The weather in Texas is always hot. Well, at least 3/4 of the year so when weather cools down enough, we take advantage of everything nature has to offer. About a week ago we decided to pack up at golden hour and have our dinner outdoors. There were ducks swimming just feet away from us and the whole scene felt like we were in a storybook. Making memories like that with her fills my heart so much! When was the last time you had a picnic? Believe it or not they are really easy to throw together!

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An Autumn To Remember

This season is one to remember in many ways. I am filled with gratitude as I write these word sitting cross legged on my couch. My new couch for that matter. About a month ago I was attending an online yoga class and the instructor talked about how shedding baggage during Fall. You can read more about that concept in this post, but I realized I had some emotional baggage that I just needed to let go. Guess what? As soon as I let those things go that no longer served me in life I was able to make room for more gratitude. With gratitude comes joy. What no longer served me was relinquished so that I could have mental space to enjoy what was right in front of me.

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My Go-To Fall Outfit

I awoke this morning and the air was crisp and chilly. It felt so good to step onto my patio and feel a cool breeze sweep through. Texas is oftentimes cold in the morning and then warms up in the afternoons. For both Spring and Fall I like to layer jackets over tee shirts and tank tops so I can remove during the warm parts of the day. Three of my favorite pieces for Fall are included in today’s outfit - a simple neutral blazer, a pair of loafers and mom jeans. These pieces can be worn separately or together for the perfect fall outfit.

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Amazon Prime Day Picks

Amazon Prime Day is here!!! With the changing of the seasons and all of the cozy vibes in the air I just had to round up my favorite Fall pieces for you guys. Starting with soft sweaters and cardigans for chilly days. Then flora dresses perfect for Thanksgiving and date night. All sorts of comfy athleisure for workouts and days at home. Then rounded up the cutest nude shoes and purses! Which are your favorites?

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Shedding Baggage and Layering Confidence

Last week I attended a virtual yoga class and something incredible was said to me as we prepared to begin the session, Fall is a time for shedding things that no longer serve you. A time to discard baggage so you can bloom in the Spring. I realized in that moment I’ve been carrying a few emotional things for far too long and it was time to let them go. I believe the change of the seasons is a chance for us to develop and grow into higher versions of ourselves. Fall is when leaves drop and turn into warm golden tones. Fall is when the days shift to cooler and shorter. It’s a time to start moving indoors and harvest for the Winter. As I look to nature to draw inspiration I am reminded that Fall is also the time to evaluate what I need to clear out of my life to make room for growth in the future.

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Body Positivity and Mental Health Fitness Plan

I’ve been sharing lately about mental health on my facebook and instagram feeds. I realize that between COVID, Black Lives Matter, hurricanes and fires… our mental health is more important than ever. Last week we discussed how transformation is an inside job and turning setbacks into comebacks. Today’s topic is a little more action oriented. So sit down, take a few notes and my goal is for you to walk away with a few things you will implement today. Remember a plan without action is just a dream. Let’s make your dreams reality.

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Turning Setbacks into Comebacks

Ever been knocked down hard and you didn’t even see it coming? Well, I have! Actually it happened at the beginning of this year and I’m not even referring to COVID-19. This year didn’t really start off the way I imagined, not that anything ever really turns out how we expect it to. For the past two years I’ve worked on building a life full of purpose. It’s been the wildest ride of my life. When you want to create a mission based life, it requires digging down pretty deep. The more I stepped into the person I wanted to be — the further away from a relationship I stepped. I started drawing boundaries and those boundaries were discarded by someone extremely close to me. It was hard. I never thought that would be the case, but there it was. I had to make a choice be true to the person God created me to be or conform to what someone else wanted me to be.

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Under Construction

The title and location of this post is fitting for where I stand right now in life. I’m in between to eras of my life leaving tons of room for growth and opportunity while discarding situations that no longer serve my purpose in life. Being under construction is interesting to say the least - kind of demmoralizing when you are building and revamping a new life. Are any of you in the same place? Not quite moved into your new life, but you’ve left the old one? If so, then read on my friends! Here are a few ways I handling the transitional phase.

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Fourth of July Swimsuit and Outfit Inspo

A couple of weeks my daughter, dog and I packed up a laundry basket full of goodies and headed to the beach for a summer day. We decided to drive to Surfside, TX which is pretty quick from where we live. Under two hours and that’s with stops. If you live in Cypress, Katy, Brookshire, Fulshear or Sugarland I’d recommend looking at that beach instead of driving all the way to Galveston for a day trip. Less traffic, soft sand and you can find a quiet spot once you drive down past where most people congregate. Very important these days with the pandemic and all. I’m a huge proponent of wearing a mask and keeping 6 feet in distance! I also spend most of my time at home, on long walks or in my car. Basically, my own areas I can control :)

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Building Your Summer Beauty Regimen

As we approach the last week of Spring and enter the beginning of Summer I like to take a quick inventory of my beauty cabinet to make sure I’m stocked up on the things I’ll need to keep my skin healthy. One thing I’ve learned over the course of my beauty journey is to address problems quickly. If I see my skin needs more hydration or protection from a bright atmosphere - I’ll definitely stock up in advance on spf and moisturizer. Today I’m going to share a few tips for customizing a summer skincare regimen made just for you.

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Making Magic Happen on the Lawn

I began writing Three Heel Clicks eight years ago with the intention of sharing everyday magical moments with you guys. Over the course of the years I realize that not only has this become a passion of mine but it has quickly become my purpose. I empower, uplift and inspire others to live their best life in the best way that they know how. For me, that means having picnic out on the line for a little magic on a Tuesday evening like I did tonight. After a few cloudy days it was delightful to watch the sun cast its golden glow upon the Earth.

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