Posts in Younique
Mother's Day Beauty Products She'll Love

Mother’s Day is about a month away and I’ve already begun bookmarking a few items for my own momma. Online shopping has completely shifted my time lines for purchasing items. I start looking much earlier than I used to so I can have things ordered in time of the next holiday. Spring is a the perfect time to stock up on beauty favorites for myself and for mom with the heat coming in a few weeks. As the weather warms up I constantly reach for things like moisturizing and brightening products to give my skin a beautiful glow. Giving the gift of beauty products to pamper her makes any woman feel like a million bucks. Here are my top picks for Mother’s Day!

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An Afternoon of Unwinding to Get Your Glow Back

If you are currently feeling constant pressure, it’s time to put a boundary in your life for you. You have to refill your cup before you can fill others. You have to slow down, get rest, read books for fun, put your thoughts on paper, practice good skincare and treat yourself to a day for you. You may be sitting here reading this and think, I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if I had a day. Start small, carve out time for you to take a bath each night after kids go to bed. Get up a little bit earlier so you can read a book that puts you in a good mental place. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… so give yourself a little play time. You’ll be able to take care of your responsibilities with a renewed sense of energy and focus. You’ll be able to love on your family better and you’ll be able to recognize when something isn’t a healthy choice in your life. Go ahead and treat yo’self!

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Four Secrets to a Flawless Face

Deciding to open a new element to this blog in 2019 around beauty and skincare was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. For years Three Heel Clicks focused on fashion, travel and interiors. When I was approach by a top earner in a clean beauty company to share their product line I had no idea how much it would change my entire approach to self care. I used to be the girl who bought a hodge podge of makeup. Sometimes higher end and sometimes drugstore buys. Converting over to working with a single brand for all makeup and skincare was a gamechanger. I’m going to share a few secrets with you today on how I lighten acne scars, minimized hormonal acne and created a beautiful canvas for a flawless looking face.

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Live Your Best Life Now

After having several conversations this past week with various friends I realized there is a common theme in our speech these days - when Covid is over, when the weather gets better, when it’s back to normal… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said this myself. The truth of the matter is that we don’t know when or if the world is going to go back to normal. In fact, we may need to accept the fact that it may never go back to normal. The world may forever be impacted by these changes and we have to be willing to pivot to the new life. Mental health issues are on the rise and I believe the longer we allow this impact to affect us, the harder its going to get. I believe we can live our best life now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year - the power is in NOW.

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Girl Mom Gifts for Teens and Tweens

I have to tell you - I absolutely LOVE being a girl mom! It’s been so much fun over the years being able to give my kiddo special items. One of my love languages is gift giving and I rarely cease the opportunity to come up with something special for her on holidays. This year is not different, especially since she’s doing distance learning and there won’t be a class holiday party. I thought it would be fun to do a quick round up of some of the items I was thinking about getting her and a few things that were on her wish list to share with you guys. All of the beauty products are non-toxic and cruelty free so safe for all ages to use! You’ll also find a bunch of clothing and accessory pics below for under $100. I’m curious - how many of you are also girl moms?

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Winter Skincare Guide

Yesterday we had a ton of snow in a winter storm here in Texas. After spending the day playing in all of the flurries I realized my skin needed some extra care and love. I have extremely sensitive and reactive skin. It usually requires attention if I travel to a new environment, make a change in what I eat or experience weather changes. Winter usually brings a drop in temperature and a drop in humidity. I noticed over the past few months my skin has been a little on the dry side. Here are the products I am using in my skincare routine to help combat snow, rain, sleet and dry weather for a clear and health complexion.

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Five Ways to Brighten Your Own Day

I’m pretty sure all of us felt a little jolted this week. Not to mention, all of 2020 was an impact. I noticed although I personally experienced highs and lows throughout the past year, the last few months of 2020 I felt my energy lowered. The days were getting darker earlier. I was struggling with quality sleep. My activity goals dropped on fitness. All in all I was in a little bit of a funk. As I moved through about two months of that I started noting things that were bringing my energy down. As I noted things that made me stressed versus things that made me feel energized I started moving away from the the negative. I realized after going through this dip it was more important than ever to bring my own sunshine. Whether it’s something simple or lavish - do what makes you feel alive and good. Move one step closer to being a happier and mentally healthier person. Here are five ways to brighten your own day.

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Refresh Your Beauty Regimen

As the new year is approaching and resolutions are being made I realize that one of the best things I’ve ever done to take care of myself was to refresh my beauty regimen. A few years ago I struggled with hormonal acne. It was so incredibly tough being an adult. It affected my confidence so much. After making a few simple changes and managing my stress level I was able to improve the health of my skin and reduce problems with acne. I changed my regimen, switched to non-toxic products and implemented healthier lifestyle choices. Now I make it a point to regularly point to clear out old products and clean things out. Here are a few ways I’m refreshing my beauty regimen for the upcoming year.

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Holiday Bliss Beauty 24 Hour Sale

This morning launched a 24 hour sale bringing back several of the holiday beauty bundles I’ve been sharing with you all her on the blog and on social media. Some of my favorite simple beauty staples are on sale until tomorrow morning to include concealer, prime and set powder (brand new), liquid shadows (seen above), liquid matte lipsticks, skincare masks and so much more. You can shop the entire sale here!

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Lipsticks to Conquer the World

Drumroll please…It’s finally here. Opulence lipsticks are back in stock after months and months of waiting. Not only are they back in stock but come in six glorious shades. From bold pink to soft matte rose there’s just nothing I mean nothing more glam that swiping on a bold shade of lipstick to tackle the day! I am so excited to share our newest holiday bundle with your choice of three shades for under $60. These babies are not for the faint of heart. They have lasting power that exceeded all of my expectations!

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How to Handle Being Single Over the Holidays

I realized that most of my adulthood I’ve been in a relationship or marriage every year during the holidays. When that sunk in I immediately thought there are some of you guys who also are single this year and not sure what to do with yourself. Fear not! I’ve got some coping skills for you in today’s post. Being a single doesn’t have to be a downer. You can shop all of the sales and buy gifts for yourself without anyone complaining about the budget. You can decorate your house however you want - bring on all the pastel decor and mini Christmas trees. You also can take as much time for self-care and sleep as you need. Interested in learning a new hobby? Yes please! Now is the time! Being alone can be incredibly growing, positives and much needed after a period of hardship. Give yourself a break over the next few months, grab a cozy cup of hot chocolate and just snuggle up with a good book in front of your tree.

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The Biggest Cyber Monday Beauty Sale Ever

Cyber Monday is finally here and I am so excited about all of the beauty deals going on! Y’all know I love my non-toxic makeup and skincare from Younique. It was the only product line that helped clear my hormonal acne! Today releases a new cleansing balm and I’ll be grabbing with a bottle of rosewater toner. For one day only have a chance to get Bundles 1–7 while supplies last. Available until midnight while supplies last!! Here’s a breakdown of the products and discounts. Happy Shopping!

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Holiday Beauty I Can't Live Without

The holiday season is a time to pull out all of the stops to sparkle and shine. As this year’s season approaches I’ve found I am drawing so much inspiration for the 1930’s. Did you know that during The Great Depression musicals and glamourous Hollywood scenes were used to lift the spirits of those in trying times. When you look at movies made during that era formal gowns made of satin and sequins were everywhere. Was it practical? Absolutely not. Especially when many families were barely able to make ends meet, but it served hope for many. I believe if we stop dreaming we start dying.

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Anti-aging Skincare for Autumn

This year I turned 35! Yes, I know… hard to believe I’m closer to 40 than 30 these days. With age comes many factors like fine lines, discoloration and even dreaded wrinkles. To combat some of this I’ve been incorporating new anti-aging products into my skincare routine. Every few months I like to switch things up in my regimen as the seasons change. As Fall and Winter approach our typical humid and hot climate is replaced with cooler, drier and windier weather. In my twenties and even early thirties I used to use whatever cleanser I could find that was reasonable and slap on a mask whenever I remembered to expecting glowing skin to emerge. Now I know better. Great skin requires a solid regimen and healthy lifestyle! Here are a few products and tips for glowing skin whether you are in your twenties or sixties!

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Transformation is an Inside Job

Transformation is an inside job. You can have, be or do anything in life. Often people think if I had a better home, or relationship or life I’d be a better person or at least a happier person... I know I did... But happiness can’t come from exterior circumstances. True joy is a process that starts from the inside. I learned this over the past three years of my life. Two years ago to this month I had my very first psychiatrist visit after a series of panic attacks that wouldn’t subside. I remember walking into that office and wanting answers to many questions I had about what I was feeling.

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Building Your Summer Beauty Regimen

As we approach the last week of Spring and enter the beginning of Summer I like to take a quick inventory of my beauty cabinet to make sure I’m stocked up on the things I’ll need to keep my skin healthy. One thing I’ve learned over the course of my beauty journey is to address problems quickly. If I see my skin needs more hydration or protection from a bright atmosphere - I’ll definitely stock up in advance on spf and moisturizer. Today I’m going to share a few tips for customizing a summer skincare regimen made just for you.

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Your Skin Needs This Every Five Days

Did you know that your skin sheds cells once every five days? If you do remove the dead skin cells off your face every five days your skin becomes dull over time and this leads to aging and acne. Exfoliating doesn’t have to be a big deal - just throw on a mask while you are making coffee or folding a load of laundry. But the importance of a regular exfoliation regimen is a BIG DEAL. Clear skin, healthy glowing skin requires maintain with and upkeep. Let’s chat about a few ways exfoliation helps your skin.

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Day to Night Spring Makeup Look

Today’s post is filled with delightful tips and goodies that are both practical and pretty. I’ll start with the dress and then make my way through a few beauty tips for Spring I’ve been excited to share about. First of all, look at this daring blue dress? It’s made out of the softest cotton and under $25! I picked it up with my groceries when I was at a local l store but you can order it online here! For daytime I wore it with a woven neutral belt then transitioned by letting my hair down and relaxed my waistline by removing the belt. I added a fresh hibiscus from the garden just like I would if I were on vacation.

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On the Brink of a New Horizon

Our world shifted and shifted fast a few weeks ago. It dawned on me that this shift is creating what we might call a new horizon. While we are all boarded up practicing sheltering-in-place, I thought it would be an incredible opportunity to address topics like self worth, confidence building, empowering others, anxiety and overcoming fear. With uncertainty compounding daily, I aim to offer an outlet for those of you who are looking for coping techniques and support during these unexpected times.

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Sunny Spring Yellow Jumpsuit

Wore this breezy cotton piece last Fall when I shared all about Hermosa Beach in California. I ended up adding several mustard and marigold shades to my closet during that season. Surprisingly this is a perfect transition color into Spring! It’s cheerful and looks amazing with neutrals and with pastels! More to come there…

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