Posts in fashion
The Sweater Gift Guide

I’m a fan of all things made for sweater weather. There’s something so cozy about slipping one on the first crisp cool day of the season. Sweaters are one of the perfect gift for all ages in all climates. You can wear one layered under a warm jacket in the Winter or throw on a cardigan over a tank top in the Summer. For cool nights they are nice to drape over the shoulders and there’s just nothing better than reaching for one at the beginning of Fall. I absolutely adore other things made of sweater knits like pants, dresses and even throw pillows around the home for the cozy months. Today I’ve rounded up sweaters for the entire family perfect to gift this season!

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The Butterfly Garden

Yesterday I shared a little about our girl’s weekend trip to Austin and the incredible sunset we saw from Mt. Bonnell. The week has been full of so many magical memories and on the way here my daughter asked if we could go to a butterfly place. With all of Austin’s wildlife I figured there had to be one. I did a quick search and sure enough a few places popped up including this one. We arose yesterday morning for a quick breakfast stop at The Original Pancake House and since we were about a 15 minute minute drive away from the garden decided to add it to our itinerary for the day. It was definitely worth it! It’s also located by a food truck park and Mueller Lake Park so lots to do in the area!

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Resurfacing in Life

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

At the beginning of 2020 I chose the word explode for my year. When I selected that word I thought it would be my business that would explode. Little did I know God had bigger plans than that. Every single area of my life ended up changing - mentally, physically, emotionally, my home, my work, my parenting. All the energy from the past few years I put forth came together to form this new life I have now. I am obsessively grateful for where I am today, but I’ll never forget where I came from. I believe that are moments of struggle are tests of faith. As we move through those dark valleys with faith and hope we are able to make it to the other side where the blessing lie. My life is a living testimony of that. It didn’t explode until I pushed through the pain. It didn’t reap the blessings without the sacrifice.

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Scarves as Face Coverings

Over the past few months I’ve been trying to find ways to incorporate face coverings into my regular wardrobe. Isn’t it weird to now be required to wear an accessory over your face? I know I have found it odd and oftentimes I have to remind myself before leaving the house, do I have a face covering? I’ve found the easiest and one of the most comfortable options is to wear a bandana or scarf in leu of an actual mask. They are a very pretty alternative and add versatility to your closet. If you don’t have scarves on hand, I’ve rounded up a whole selection below for you to shop - all under $50!

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Cultivating Life Like a Garden

Last Spring I started gardening again. I attempted gardening a few years back on my patio and the result was a graveyard of 18 massacred plants including french lavender, aloe (two aloes) and many forms of cactus. I thought I sucked at gardening and vowed to not attempt again. Right after COVID-19 hit I ended up in a very transitional place. I stayed at a friend’s home and took care of their garden for a few months while they were out of state. COVID-19 changed my life plans just as I know it did for many of you. My friend’s home gave me the space to take my time and figure it out. After years of subscribing to Martha Stewart Living and pouring over articles about roses, gardens and how to tend to soil I started putting into practice what I learned. When I left there in July I had successfully made two climbing roses bloom that hadn’t in two years and another five bushes bloom. I grew morning glories and ivy from seeds, cultivated gladiolus, lilies and hibiscus. For someone who just a few years prior killed even aloe, this was a massive success. Then, it hit me… if I can make a garden bloom with consistent watering and consistent attention… I could make my life bloom, too.

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