Goodbye 2019 - Hello 2020

Three Heel Clicks - Goodbye 2019 Hello 2020.jpg

Photography by the lovely and talented Jamie Salinas.

Well, we are officially at the end of another year. I set out on a journey at the beginning of this year to Simplify my Life. It was the word of the year for me and I set out to find my purpose in life. It was a journey to say the least. It required deep work and lots of therapy. No joke! Yes, therapy rocks.

The beginning of this year was rough. I was coming out of a dark period in my life. There was a point where I felt like it didn’t matter how hard I worked or what I put effort towards. I was constantly filling an empty void and that void left me anxious and sad. I had to do some major evaluating. Ultimately, I felt like I was being pulled in too many directions!

Narrowing your focus allows you to aim sharply. When I chose the word Simplify I realized I needed so desperately to align my values with everyday activities. It wasn’t easy, but it unfolded over the year. I believe we have the power to shape and change our current reality. I am living proof of the fact that if you change your mindset you change your life.

I’ll be sharing more over the next month around all aspects of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. It’s vital to us women and men to thrive! Can’t wait to share more!

Thank you to each and every one of you for reading this blog. You have no idea how much your support, conversations and engagement means to me. Here are forty-six of my favorite moments and topics from this year. Some are the top five most popular lists and some are just a few favorites! My gratitude cup is overflowing and I cannot wait to see what the new year holds for all of us!



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