Posts in Lifestyle
All the Necessities to Treat Yourself This Valentine's Day

I cannot think of a better way of treating yourself this year than buying yourself a few things you may have been eyeing! After being a mom who struggled for YEARS giving herself time, energy and self-care I now make it one of the biggest priorities. I listen to my body and feel more than I ever have so I can make sure I take better care of myself. That includes getting myself little treats. Each year for my birthday I like to pick out a new handbag. When I am out Christmas shopping for others, I see no problem in grabbing something for myself, too. If you feel guilty every time you go to grab something that’s just for you or feel like it’s selfish - I’m here to tell you it’s not! You can help others, love on others, give to others and give to yourself. I wrote a post for all the Single Ladies on Valentine’s Day a few years ago and packed with self-care tips! I was actually in a relationship at the time but remembered what the year prior was like when I was single. It’s okay to take solo trips, buy a ridiculous thing for yourself or just spend some time alone. Remember, you have to live with yourself longer than anyone else so make sure to take care of yourself! Here are a few things I’ve personally treated myself to these past few months!

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15 Date Ideas for Valentine's Day That Will Spark Joy in Your Relationship

Gosh, I love the ocean. I have to say out of all of the places I lived and visited in my lifetime, I feel most at home when I’m near the ocean. There’s something so soothing and powerful about the water. The waves hold so much force as they push and pull against the grains of sand on the shore. Soft powdery sand that feels like you walking on powdered sugar makes for the best walks. The sunsets are unbelievable and when a storm rolls in…well, as frightening as they are - they also carry so much strength. Today I’m going to share a whole bunch of date ideas, but if you are single… I want you to know it’s okay to do any (or all of these) activities by yourself and show yourself some love. I say that because some of my best memories of my happy place were spent in times of solitude. Valentine’s Day whether you’re in a relationship or not is a day to celebrate love. A day to bring forth self-love and care if you are single. Here’s a word for all the single ladies on valentine’s day if you are looking for some ideas on how to spend your time! Highly recommend some of the tips here! If you are in a couple, I challenge you to take time over the next week to figure out a way to show your partner that you adore them. Brainstorm a few ideas and make the event special. The effort will be worth it!

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Anxiety Relief and Utilizing a Coping Checklist

Mental health. I’m so glad this topic has been on the rise especially since the pandemic hit. Now more than ever more and more people need resources. My anxiety journey began about 10 years ago. Through a series of trials, errors, and lots of therapy I am now able to manage panic attacks and anxiety without medication. This post is in no way meant to replace medical advice. If you are struggling I absolutely recommend seeking professional help. Today I’d like to share a resource I use in my own mental health toolkit called a “Coping Checklist.” I’m going to share with you guys a few benefits of having one and the science behind it, how to create one, and when to use it. The biggest key in your coping checklist is to use it as soon as you feel anxiety come on. The more you go through the sequence the easier the panic becomes to manage.

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Valentine's Day Stay At Home Outfit and Date Ideas

Can you believe it’s almost February? Goodness! This month has been amazing but flying by quickly. I don’t know about you, but these days I spend a good amount of time cocooning at home. I travel so much that when I’m home, I’m home. One thing that really helps my mental health is having my home in order and full of things that bring a smile to my heart - fresh flowers, my vintage ashtray that holds a deck of pink playing cards from Rosemary Beach, and soft cozy throw blankets. Lighting a single candle on my coffee table or flipping through a stack of interior design magazines are little joys that make it perfect for a cold, rainy day. When you find the right person, snuggling up in the cocoon of a home makes it even better. Here are a few ways to make a stay-at-home date night perfect this Valentine’s Day!

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Picking Out New Shoes at the Sarah Flint Dallas Pop - Up Store

A few weeks ago I made a short trip to Dallas where I visited the Sarah Flint store. My daughter and I were having a girl’s weekend and decided while we were there to see the beautiful decor at the Sarah Flint pop-up shop! I was so impressed when I arrived. It felt like I was stepping into Sarah’s living room. In fact, the decor was inspired by her own home! We were quickly greeted by the sweetest associate who offered us fresh chocolate chip cookies and tea. The recipe was from Sarah’s grandmother! I love to shop but this was a completely different experience in all the good ways! We took a stroll around the store and admired the beautiful floral wallpaper, soft seating to try on your shoes, and the classic gold shelving that displayed all of the Sarah Flint accessories like scarves and barrettes. No stone was left unturned in the store!

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Two Ways to Wear A Cozy Winter Scarf

Yesterday the chilliest of cold fronts blew in. A drastic change from earlier this week when I was frolicking in a dress without even a cardigan. That’s Texas for you. One minute hot and one minute cold. I decided it was time to bust out the new scarf I picked up over the holidays from Nordstrom. It’s the coziest thing ever! Seriously! I rounded up a ton of plaid, pastel, stripe, and printed scarves below. I find a little pop of color on a dreary day does wonder for my mood. A cozy scarf can also be layered indoors over a long sleeve t-shirt or blouse if the house is drafty or you just seem to struggle to warm up as I do. I am usually cold so that extra layer really helps! Here are two ways I wore this scarf yesterday.

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Word of the Year: SOAR

Wow! What a weekend! I had an incredible time on South Padre Island and will be sharing tons of fun content over the next few weeks for Spring Break ideas (both snow and sea) but this morning I wanted to talk more about the overarching theme I’ve chosen for 2022. For the past five years, I’ve chosen a word every single year as a focus for my life throughout the year. First, it was the word “health” after getting pneumonia at the end of 2017. Then, it was “simplify” in 2019 where I share my struggles with feeling a lack of purpose in my life. In 2020 I chose the word “explode” where my entire life took a huge leap forward. I ended a relationship, moved cities and my business doubled that year in followers, website traffic, and income. This past year I chose the word “abundance” and let me tell you, I had no idea what was in store. My life took another large leap forward and I experienced success in professional and personal areas of growth. Moving into a home after living in apartments and cottages for years was huge. I started traveling a lot on my own and experienced an increase in peace in my life. Here we are at the beginning of 2022 and I’m choosing the word - “soar” to rise above anything I’ve ever done before in my life. I’ve set some pretty remarkable goals this year and will be working on hitting them one by one.

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Why I Take Collagen (and You Should, Too.)

Up until about six months ago I really didn’t think much about the word collagen. The only time I knew about it was when an MLM gal reached out to me on Facebook or I saw someone with overdone lips. About six months ago a friend of mine reach out and shared with me some of the benefits of collagen. We have similar lifestyles - active, healthy, adventurous, and fitness-oriented. I knew that it was worth a shot to try. Instead of injecting, I opted to grab it in supplement form. Fast forward to last month when Younique announced they are launching a collagen shot! I am so excited! Mine arrived today and you can grab during early release!!

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Let's Go Girls

I arrived in Amarillo, Texas less than two weeks ago to spend a few days working. I’ve never been to the Texas panhandle, so I decided to make it a key location in my Winter Road trip this year. If you missed my first post on the road trip I stopped in Abilene. You can check out that post here. After I left Abilene I made it to Caprock Canyons (which I wrote about here) and then headed into Amarillo to stay at the Big Texan Motel (which you can read about in this post). It was pretty liberating to drive to this part of the state. There are so many beautiful sites to see involving nature. I’ll be posting more about the trip as I headed to Palo Duro Canyon! But for now, let’s chat about food in Amarillo.

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Cozy Vibes In Amarillo

I’ll be honest. I’ve been in mostly knits for the past 10 days. Ever since I made it back from my trip to Colorado, I’ve been a complete hermit. Yep, snuggled up on the couch with my dog and journal morning and night. It’s been incredible and much-needed. I’ve been working all year so far out of my house. Each evening doing little projects around the house and during the daytime working with clients. My uniform looks the equivalent of what I wore when I was in Amarillo which includes this incredible sweater that is the softest material ever and these snuggly pants. If there is one outfit you need in your life right now it’s this one. I’ve been wearing several pairs of sweater pants like these joggers, this pair of wide-legged and I’ve featured these several times on the blog over the years. They are a great alternative to sweat pants and you can lounge, walk or run errands in them.

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Sparkle and Shine in West Texas

For the past few days I’ve really kicked my outfits up a notch. It’s the last week of the year and around the 20th I decided to wear my best. I found this dress the other day when I was finishing some Christmas shopping and thought it was the perfect holiday staple for my closet. I can see it being equally cute if I swapped out pumps for the boots. I love the soft champagne color and the whole thing was on sale for under $20. What a steal.

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Pretty Pink & Fancy Christmas

Let’s talk about creating the life of your dreams. A few years ago I started pinning things on Pinterest for the life I wanted to create. I was at a low point and unhappy with the current state of my everyday affairs. If you’ve ever been through depression, you know exactly what I’m talking about. It was really hard during that time to feel excited about anything. Everything lost its luster and I felt like I couldn’t afford to do anything. I was pinching pennies on the daily and worrying about whether or not basic bills would be paid. During that period of time, I worked really hard to just make it through the day one hour at a time. I began during this period of my life to collect and save ideas of things I wanted in my life. One of those items was a pink Christmas tree.

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Staying Sober During the Holidays One Mocktail at a Time

This is now my third Christmas in a row of being sober. I can tell you that although my twenty-something self would have looked at me like I had two heads if I had told her she would be completely sober through a pandemic and into the year following a global shutdown. Yes, this person right here used to love her wine and champagne. Especially on a holiday. A few years ago I made the decision to stop drinking in hopes that my life would find purpose and I would stop having panic attacks. Both happened and here we are ordering mocktails instead of martinis. So little is really talked about in the drinking world outside of being either a drinker or someone who doesn’t. I love going to a good party. I also love fancy drinks. What I don’t love is alcohol. It just doesn’t agree with my anxiety and I feel like a happier human being without it. If you are also in the same boat and alcohol just doesn’t do it for you right now I’m here to tell you a few ways I still have fun without having a hangover.

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Escape to Davy Crockett National Forest

This past year I’ve made it a goal to visit as many National and State Parks as possible. They house some of the most beautiful scenery! This season alone I visited Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Padre Island National Sea Shore, Hot Springs National Forest, and Davy Crockett National Forest. It’s so refreshing to get away from most people and wander the trails of nature. I’ve been able to experience things you just don’t get in the city around people. From driving 50 miles off-road to getting lost in the Fall foliage National Parks are the way to go!

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Two Holiday Looks Wearing My Sarah Flint Pumps

I put together two looks wearing my new Sarah Flint Jay 100 Pumps. I love the tortoise heel and how it contrasts against the beautiful triple-dyed navy suede. I love the arch support! Usually, heels don’t have that kind of comfort but these can be worn all day or all night depending on the occasion. For the first outfit, I paired them with a silk camisole and silk skirt. A simple nude envelope clutch and gold earrings make for an elegant party or New Year’s Eve look. The second look includes a pleated navy floral dress. You can add a blazer or cardigan daytime and then switch to a scarf or a shawl for an evening look. The pumps are the perfect finishing touch for both looks. Use the code SARAHFLINT-BATHREEHEELCLICKS for $50 off your Sarah Flint order!

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Christmas Theme Dinner at Royal 38

Over Thanksgiving break, I took a quick trip to Dallas for a few days. While I was there I made sure to stop by the Royal 38 Christmas pop up restaurant which is decked out in everything Christmas-related. I thought it would make a fun evening to merrily kick off the holiday season. When you walk in you are immediately greeted with a leg lamp like the one found in Christmas Story. The exterior is has a beautiful canopy of lights over the patio and each table is individually wrapped like a present. Even the cocktails carried the theme by being served in Santa mugs. If you are in the area and are looking for a fun spot, check them out. I recommend making reservations before going since it’s a pretty small venue. Also, the menu is done by scanning a QR code and ordering yourself so when you sit down you can immediately get things moving for your table. It was such a fun place to be for the evening and the food was incredible.

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Favorite Gifts for the Homebody

In this post, you will find a pretty legit list of my favorite homebody items. I put together a mix of pricepoint and styles for men, women, children, and items for the home. Whether you are a single girl in her twenties or a bachelor male in his forties… there is something on the list below for you. My favorite items include the neck massager (I bought for myself during Christmas last year), plush towels for getting out of a long soak, and this pair of satin jammies. A good coffee cup never hurts and if you’re just not sure what to get someone - go with a cozy blanket in a neutral color.

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Mental Health And The Holidays

Can you believe Thanksgiving is in just two days? I absolutely cannot. After a whirlwind of a weekend traveling, I just got back to my house and was thinking a lot on my drive home about mental health and the next six weeks. Holidays are a time where schedules seem jam packed, the to do lists are endless and there are so many social events that leave a person drained at the end of the day. Furthermore, many companies are closing out their year with inventory counts, end of year sales and crunching budget numbers. As much as the season brings me joy, I also find so much of it to include a lot of additional stressors. When stressors amount life can get really overwhelming and the season can loose it’s luster. Here are a few ways I’m focusing on my mental health this season.

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The Historic Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs

My daughter and I took a brief trip to Hot Springs, Arkansas a few weekends ago to stay at the Arlington Hotel. This iconic location was filled with the most beautiful marble staircase, vintage elevators, and high ceilings. The hotel dates back to the roaring ’20s when people would flock to the area for the Bathhouses. Nestled on federal land right across the street from Hot Springs National Park it’s a prime location! We stay for the entire weekend being able to walk to restaurants, shops, and the park. The hotel is also dog friendly which made it even more appealing.

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The Velvet Edit

Is there anything more luxurious than the soft thick texture of velvet? I think not! As soon as cooler temperatures hit, I bust out velvet time and time again. I love how classic it feels and immediately dress up almost any outfit! I shared a round-up of my favorite holiday dresses yesterday but thought velvet needed its own post so it could sit front and center. I recently ordered this beautiful skater-style fit and flare dress from Amazon. It is super affordable and comes in so many colors! I opted for a soft champagne shade that could transition from the holidays over to NYE. I paired it with a velvet blazer I’ve had for years and simple black patent heels. A tiny beaded handbag is just the right touch to store your cell phone and lipstick.

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