If you are currently feeling constant pressure, it’s time to put a boundary in your life for you. You have to refill your cup before you can fill others. You have to slow down, get rest, read books for fun, put your thoughts on paper, practice good skincare and treat yourself to a day for you. You may be sitting here reading this and think, I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if I had a day. Start small, carve out time for you to take a bath each night after kids go to bed. Get up a little bit earlier so you can read a book that puts you in a good mental place. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… so give yourself a little play time. You’ll be able to take care of your responsibilities with a renewed sense of energy and focus. You’ll be able to love on your family better and you’ll be able to recognize when something isn’t a healthy choice in your life. Go ahead and treat yo’self!
Read MoreDeciding to open a new element to this blog in 2019 around beauty and skincare was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. For years Three Heel Clicks focused on fashion, travel and interiors. When I was approach by a top earner in a clean beauty company to share their product line I had no idea how much it would change my entire approach to self care. I used to be the girl who bought a hodge podge of makeup. Sometimes higher end and sometimes drugstore buys. Converting over to working with a single brand for all makeup and skincare was a gamechanger. I’m going to share a few secrets with you today on how I lighten acne scars, minimized hormonal acne and created a beautiful canvas for a flawless looking face.
Read MoreI recently shared this topic on a Facebook live for International Women’s Day and thought about how impactful the advice I would give to my younger self may have on others! Although there are many things I wish I knew at an earlier age but looking back the biggest thing I would have changed was learning to trust my gut. To just block out all of the white noise around me and listen to my inner voice. I also wish I had implemented a skincare regimen much earlier and taken better care of things like my teeth. But as we all live and learn, the list of self advice continues to grow. Here are five things I wish I could tell my 20-year-old self:
Read MoreThe past six weeks of my life have been filled with mostly work and taking care of my daughter. Sometimes it’s necessary to grind when you have a big goal you are going after. I’m currently working on saving enough money to purchase a home in cash and that requires a daily focus unlike anything I’ve ever done before. This week my energy was all around low. I was going to bed tired, awaking tired, and feeling tired most days. I knew right then it was time to break away from work and business building and escape to nature for a little renewal of the soul. I grabbed my dog, a few snacks, a thermos of iced coffee and set out to hit up one of our national parks. When I arrived, I was greeted with underbrush fires and immediately decided to turn around and find something else I could visit that was a safer situation. Washington-on-the-Brazos was the perfect location. It’s a beautiful 3.5 mile trek on our state’s birthplace. The perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Read MoreI’ve been sharing so much lately about strength on my social media. The thing I’ve found about strength is that is just doesn’t feel like you are strong when you are building it. In fact, what it actually feels like is that you’re not strong enough. With one foot in front of the other you can make it through. Building strength comes from the toughest things you endure. For each person that looks different because we are made of different life circumstances. We come from different degrees of tough and every person has a different version of struggle. As I continue to move through life I realize that pain is pain no matter what degree and no one moves through their lifetime without enduring something or the other they may almost break them.
Read MoreA few years ago I had life changes take place that sent me into somewhat of a downward spiral. Started with a breakup, then a hurricane displaced me and then I got pneumonia. The three events combined that year were a catalyst for depression. Everyone functions differently. Depression can look different for different personalities. My personality is a high achievement. I operate at a fast pace with lots of energy. I prefer environments with order and structure and thrive when faced with challenges. For me, depression wasn’t siting on a couch barely able to get going everyday. In fact, it looked much different than that. Today’s post is to share insight on how sadness affects the brain, signs someone is struggling with depression and how to help.
Read MoreSince I was a little girl books provided me an escape. We moved a lot growing up because my dad was in the military and spent tons of time in transit. I remember being six years old and when we arrived in Germany we had three tv channels that spoke English. Similarly when I was in High School we moved to Asia and there was limited tv. My sister and I grew up playing countless hours of board games and dolls together but when we were exhausted from that I would sneak of to my room and pull out a good book. Hard back binding and crisp pages with printed lettering took me away from the concrete walls of military housing and provided an outlet for my imagination. To this day, whenever I feel lost or down I pull out my favorite books and am instantly transported out of my current environment.
Read MoreHopefully we will be back to warmer weather here soon, but as I see the forecast constantly fluctuate - having a few items that add extra warmth seems pretty wise these days. Here are few tips for layering in the cold weather when you are living in the South!
Read MoreAfter having several conversations this past week with various friends I realized there is a common theme in our speech these days - when Covid is over, when the weather gets better, when it’s back to normal… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said this myself. The truth of the matter is that we don’t know when or if the world is going to go back to normal. In fact, we may need to accept the fact that it may never go back to normal. The world may forever be impacted by these changes and we have to be willing to pivot to the new life. Mental health issues are on the rise and I believe the longer we allow this impact to affect us, the harder its going to get. I believe we can live our best life now, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year - the power is in NOW.
Read MoreSpring is about a month away and I’m itching for this time of year. I love the color of the flowers that bloom and come out of hiding after a barren bleak Winter. As we move into the transition between Spring and Winter I try to refresh my closet with a few new added pieces. This season I’m adding touches of woven raffia (like the slides from Wal-mart featured here) and patchwork (this skirt is a total steal from Amazon). As I look to high end designers like Zimmerman, Etro and LoveShackFancy I see their inventory is flooded with mix and match prints. I love taking inspiration from luxury fashion and incorporating those themes into a budget friendly wardrobe.
Read MoreI don’t know about you but I’ve had to get a little creative on how I manage dressing for working from home while maintaining a professional appearance on ZOOM calls. I’ve been in the corporate space for over a decade and required to wear business professional for meetings. Fast forward to today and jumping on ZOOM calls in a full suit isn’t exactly comfortable when you will immediately get off a call and go walk your dog. Welp, time for a new dress code - essentially business on the top and comfy on the bottom. With a little creativity and a lot of stretchy pants you can achieve a comfy but professional at home look sure to fool any client or boss on a web conference meeting.
Read MoreI have to tell you - I absolutely LOVE being a girl mom! It’s been so much fun over the years being able to give my kiddo special items. One of my love languages is gift giving and I rarely cease the opportunity to come up with something special for her on holidays. This year is not different, especially since she’s doing distance learning and there won’t be a class holiday party. I thought it would be fun to do a quick round up of some of the items I was thinking about getting her and a few things that were on her wish list to share with you guys. All of the beauty products are non-toxic and cruelty free so safe for all ages to use! You’ll also find a bunch of clothing and accessory pics below for under $100. I’m curious - how many of you are also girl moms?
Read MoreA few years ago I decided to stop letting fear get in the way of living. It takes a moment to moment approach but when you are doing something that requires bravery you don’t feel brave. You feel nervous, your heart races, and your chest may tighten. But as you move through each moment it begins to be bearable. Maybe your fear is public speaking. Maybe your fear is putting yourself out there on social media. Maybe your fear is standing up to someone in your family or at your job. Whatever the fear is, you can get through it. It won’t be easy, but the easy things don’t bring fulfillment. It’s through the hard lessons our character develops and our faith is strengthened.
Read MoreI’ve shared so much lately about bringing joy into my own life. One of the things that was the toughest to go through when I was experience panic attacks a few years back was being happy. In fact, I felt the opposite of happy most of the time during that era of my life. Each day I try to do at least one activity that raises my joy level. Sometimes it’s painting with acrylics while watching The Crown. Other times you’ll find my daughter and I dancing around the house after she gets a high grade on her school work. Being happy is a choice and I can’t think of a better way to move towards joy than incorporating a little play time.
Read MoreBeing at home most days I realize more than ever having comfortable hairstyles are now a necessary part of my life. These days I just don’t always feel like “fixing” my hair and want something really quick to pull off my face and still look polished on social media or ZOOM calls. Meet my BFF the french braid. I also am a big fan of the fun bun and wearing a fun bun. Whether you have two minutes or ten, I’ve rounded up a bunch of cute hair accessories to add oomph to any look you want to create.
Read MoreWe are few weeks away from Valentine’s Day which is the PERFECT time to start browsing gift ideas! With so many businesses online now, it’s a deal to get things knocked out sooner than later. Giving the gift of clean beauty is the perfect way to show someone you love how much you care! Pretty much anyone (no matter what the age) can benefit from skincare that is proven to help produce a healthier face! I’m rounding up a few of my favorite products like our masks, new cleansing balm and lipsticks that are perfect to give the special someone in your life.
Read MoreWe are already two weeks into 2021 and I don’t know about you, but I’ve found time outdoors is time well spent. Last weekend College Station and a large portion of Central and South East Texas experienced a snow storm. It was odd, but welcomed following a bleak week of political events earlier that week. Social media was soon flooded with pictures of snowmen, snow angels, families getting outdoors and kids having snowball fights. It was one of the most refreshing experiences and I have to tell you it was much needed for all of us.
Read MoreEvery January I find myself gravitating towards simplifying. From clearing out clutter and holiday decor to clean eating the turn of the year presents itself with a chance to start clean. I find this theme is reflected in my home, my beauty routine and my wardrobe.
Read MoreYesterday we had a ton of snow in a winter storm here in Texas. After spending the day playing in all of the flurries I realized my skin needed some extra care and love. I have extremely sensitive and reactive skin. It usually requires attention if I travel to a new environment, make a change in what I eat or experience weather changes. Winter usually brings a drop in temperature and a drop in humidity. I noticed over the past few months my skin has been a little on the dry side. Here are the products I am using in my skincare routine to help combat snow, rain, sleet and dry weather for a clear and health complexion.
Read MoreI’m pretty sure all of us felt a little jolted this week. Not to mention, all of 2020 was an impact. I noticed although I personally experienced highs and lows throughout the past year, the last few months of 2020 I felt my energy lowered. The days were getting darker earlier. I was struggling with quality sleep. My activity goals dropped on fitness. All in all I was in a little bit of a funk. As I moved through about two months of that I started noting things that were bringing my energy down. As I noted things that made me stressed versus things that made me feel energized I started moving away from the the negative. I realized after going through this dip it was more important than ever to bring my own sunshine. Whether it’s something simple or lavish - do what makes you feel alive and good. Move one step closer to being a happier and mentally healthier person. Here are five ways to brighten your own day.
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