Posts in Anxiety and Mental Health
Don't Forget to Shine

I’ve been on a conquest to get to the root of my being. For the past few months, I took time throughout each day for inward reflection… Constantly asking myself if what I am currently doing is what will lead me to the highest version of myself. I examined forward and backward each small habit, every conversation I would partake in, and each movement I would choose to make. We are a sum of all the little choices we make throughout the day. Our character is a combination of actions we choose. After years of feeling obligated to do certain things, have certain jobs, and run what you would consider the rat race I decided I couldn’t do it anymore. My soul just needed more.

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Sunflower Fields

I believe the world is a giant playground filled with magical corners. I believe heaven lies in running through a sunflower field at sunset, floating on the river with people you love, and being able to take long sunset drives with someone special.

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How to Start Journaling

Do you journal? I do! I use it to help process emotions, list ideas for the future and things I’m grateful for. I’ve been journaling for years and it has completely changed my life and mindset. If you are struggling to journal, that’s okay! Try this to get started…

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Three Techniques to Get Out of a Mental Rut

The mind can be a battlefield. If you’ve ever experienced a panic attack you know firsthand what mental hell is like. In my late twenties and early thirties, I had panic attacks all the time. I mean on the daily and oftentimes multiple times a day. I would freeze and feel like I couldn’t drive my car. I didn’t want to go very many places for fear of getting overstimulated. Being extroverted this felt really difficult. I was torn between what my soul and body wanted to do every day. I needed to bring my body out of fight or flight but being stuck at home to do so in a calm environment was torture in itself because then I was alone with my thoughts. Over time I would get therapy and begin working on training my brain to focus on new things. I would learn different coping techniques that were not full proof but would oftentimes get the job done. It took work. Each day I’d start going down the same worry wormholes and I’d spend time and energy pulling myself out. I figured some of you might be dealing with this, too. Here are three coping tools you can use when you go down a negative mental path:

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The Drink That Keeps Me Going on Long Hikes

Wow! I cannot believe it’s been almost two weeks since I wrote the last post on here. It’s been kind of a blur. Something really life-changing took place last week and created a positive shift in my life. I’ll be sharing more about the experience in the coming weeks, but one thing I’ve learned is to take some time to the first process. That’s exactly what I did yesterday. I took a few hours and went a few miles to clear my head and combat the stress I was feeling. Stress is stress even if it’s positive. When big things in life hit, give yourself a little breathing room. It’s okay. You don’t have to have all the answers. You’ll be able to work things out, but for now just process. I loaded up my backpack with water and snacks, grabbed my boots, and set off with my Mojo coffee in hand for an afternoon of getting lost in nature. It was so healing! Every time I do this, I come back as a better human being.

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Making Magical Moments

When this blog was initially created, I set out to share the magic that happened in my life on a daily basis. I had no idea at the blog would become my life story a decade later. I seek every single day to find magical moments. Life is busy. There’s so much happening. Slowing down in the mornings and evenings has given me the ability to discover more magic. Sometimes it’s how the sky lights up at sunset on a walk with the cool breeze blowing across the grass. Sometimes it’s the light wind rustling in trees and the way they look like pieces of lace overlapping one another against a blue background. Sometimes it’s the giggles of my daughter or the jokes we make on our drives together. Seeking magic every day is what makes life sweeter. Here are a few ways to make each day special…

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Build Your Dreams Daily

Time is precious. It’s the one form of currency we cannot get back. Over the past few years, I’ve grown to be more and more intentional with how I spend my time. Taking out and saying no to activities that are energy draining. Spending time doing the things that bring me joy. Intentionally carving out special moments with people I love and care about. As I’ve done this day after day I realize most days I am living a dream I had years ago. Back in 2017, I went through a period of life that was incredibly trying. During that time I remember having a vision where I spent my time as much as possible in nature and traveling to see things I love. It was a peaceful vision. I’m happy to report that five years later much of my free time is spent doing just that. If you want your life to change, start taking small daily steps towards that life. Here are ways to build your dream life every day.

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Three Key Communication Strategies for Relationships

A few weeks ago, I announced on my Facebook page that I would be opening a dialogue about insights into effective relationships. As I currently write this I want you to know this is meant to be a dialogue between us. A place where you can feel free to comment openly about your own insights into relationships. Things you’ve learned from failures and successes. Please reach out below or by commenting on any of my social media platforms - my handle is @threeheelclicks. Let’s dive into today’s topic on communication strategies. The root of so many disagreements, alienation, tension, and isolation begins with a misfiring of communication. As I continue to grow and develop in my interactions with people, how I communicate is a priority and responsibility if I am seeking healthy connections. Here are three strategies you can immediately implement for better communication.

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Thoughts on Rest and Play (and Why You Need It)

I spent the weekend resting, relaxing, and playing. The past month of my life was a whirlwind. My role at my job changed, a trip mid-month for a work conference in Vegas took place, and then when I returned it was a non-stop follow up from the trip. I worked twelve days straight without taking even an evening to myself. It was absolutely necessary, but at the beginning of last week, I started to feel really heavy. I dreaded Monday morning and felt like I had zero time to decompress. That was it for me. I knew it was time to take a break. It was suggested I take a full day off and just do what makes me happy, so I did just that. It can be a HUGE challenge to work full-time and run a blog and a business on social media. Although I’ve been doing all three for years, this month was particularly tough. I struggled to bounce back with energy. One thing I have learned about life is that I am the only one responsible for my life. If I want to live a life with clarity and calm I have to create that environment. I also know that I am prone to maxing myself out. Here are a few things I’ve learned about the necessity of rest and play.

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Self-talk and the Mirror

A few years ago whenever I looked in the mirror I saw someone who was a failure. I talked to her that way, too. I’d say things like, “You are not getting things right today.” Or “This isn’t your day.”

I began avoiding mirrors. I saw every single flaw in myself every single day. Then, one day a mentor of mine told me to say one positive thing for every negative thing I said.

Looking back, what I was going through was depression. I was so tired every day. I was angry at how life turned out and I felt like everything was my fault. Depression is a lot of work to manage. It’s a level of fatigue that makes taking a shower feel like an Olympic sport. But I kept going. Each time I said something crappy to myself, I stop and say something positive.

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How to Handle Change in Your Life

This week has already started with a crazy change in my life. Sometimes change is expected and sometimes it hits you like a freight train. This week, it was the freight train for me. The one thing I’ve come to realize as I grow older is that change is inevitable. Nothing in life is static and the key to inner peace and happiness is being able to go within yourself instead of depending on your exterior circumstances. Relationships dissolve sometimes, companies make directional changes, and new opportunities will present themselves. The best thing you can possibly do for yourself is to take care of yourself. Here are a few ways I’ve found navigating change to be more digestible in life.

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My Morning Routine: GRWM (Get Ready With Me)

Confession: I’m a morning person. Yep, I know several of you reading right now are rolling your eyes while others are giving me a virtual high-five… but it’s true. I’ve always been a morning pop tart rising before my family. I understand now that not everyone starts their morning at the same time as I do, but we all have to eventually get up and get going. Those first few hours are important if you want to lay a foundation for a positive, productive, and intentional day.

Speaking of being productive and intentional - if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter you must do so now! (No SPAM I promise) There is exclusive content in there and anyone who signs up between now and 3/9/22 will be entered in a giveaway to receive a FREE mascara ($31 value!) You can sign up for the newsletter here!

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Anxiety Relief and Utilizing a Coping Checklist

Mental health. I’m so glad this topic has been on the rise especially since the pandemic hit. Now more than ever more and more people need resources. My anxiety journey began about 10 years ago. Through a series of trials, errors, and lots of therapy I am now able to manage panic attacks and anxiety without medication. This post is in no way meant to replace medical advice. If you are struggling I absolutely recommend seeking professional help. Today I’d like to share a resource I use in my own mental health toolkit called a “Coping Checklist.” I’m going to share with you guys a few benefits of having one and the science behind it, how to create one, and when to use it. The biggest key in your coping checklist is to use it as soon as you feel anxiety come on. The more you go through the sequence the easier the panic becomes to manage.

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How I Was Able to Overcome a Fear of Heights on Pike Peak's Summit

If you are new around here you probably should note that I still go on hikes often because I love the outdoors so dang much! After spending a few days in West Texas hiking and driving through both Caprock Canyons and Palo Duro Canyon I decided to head more north to celebrate New Year’s in Colorado Springs, CO. I’ve made several trips to Colorado over the years with friends but this was the first time alone. I decided that if I only did one epic activity it was to get to Pikes Peak Summit. I quickly researched the ways to get to the top - you can hike about 14 miles… um… no thank you. That’s pretty aggressive to get to one of the tallest peaks in the US. You can drive it but winds a lot and steep grades. It is Winter… and again… no thank you. Then, I stumbled across the train! You can take a three-hour round trip up 9 miles on a train to reach Pikes Peak Summit. That I could manage!

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What I Did to Finally Let Myself Be Happy

Last year I chose the word “Abundance” for my word of the year. It was evident in my life I needed to find more joy every day. I wasn’t necessarily miserable or depressed at that time (I fought those battles a few years prior) but I was struggling with feeling happy. I remember that a mentor shared with me the area I needed the most growth in was just doing the things that make me happy. Not the things that made me the most productive. So here I go, trying to shift from doing what I’ve done year over year and now I am supposed to just find joy. About this time last year, I embarked on a 600-mile one-direction road trip. I guess when all was said and done.

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Wrapped Up at Caprock Canyons

The week between Christmas and NYE is one of the weirdest weeks of the year. Days seem to blur together and there’s an overarching tone of “let’s put it off till next year” happening in business. I took this as an opportunity to travel to some of the places I’ve had on my bucket list for a while. I drove from College Station to Abilene on Sunday stopping to catch the sunset before grabbing dinner and retiring for the evening. You can check out that post and I’m wearing one show-stopping dress in this post. After leaving Abilene I made my way up through Caprock Canyons and then onto Amarillo, Texas for a few days. This whole area of the Texas Panhandle is like nothing I’ve seen before. I don’t recall ever making it through Amarillo in the past but it’s definitely a world of its own. Surrounded by so much nature! Great place for spending time on Lake Meredith, or hiking one of the toughest trails in Texas on Palo Duro Canyon. Either way, if you are an outdoors person this place is for you!

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Book the Trip, Wear the Dress

How many times have you thought to yourself… I really should have taken that trip? I’m in a phase of life where I am holding nothing back. I have no reason to anymore. In the past, I came up with reasons I couldn’t do something or go somewhere. Maybe it was the cost. Maybe it was asking for time off from my job and I didn’t think they couldn’t manage without me being there. Maybe it was because my ex-husband didn’t show interest or even complained about it. Maybe it was the fact that you have three kids and now you have no idea how to even begin to make that happen. When was the last time you did something that made you feel the most you?

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Staying Sober During the Holidays One Mocktail at a Time

This is now my third Christmas in a row of being sober. I can tell you that although my twenty-something self would have looked at me like I had two heads if I had told her she would be completely sober through a pandemic and into the year following a global shutdown. Yes, this person right here used to love her wine and champagne. Especially on a holiday. A few years ago I made the decision to stop drinking in hopes that my life would find purpose and I would stop having panic attacks. Both happened and here we are ordering mocktails instead of martinis. So little is really talked about in the drinking world outside of being either a drinker or someone who doesn’t. I love going to a good party. I also love fancy drinks. What I don’t love is alcohol. It just doesn’t agree with my anxiety and I feel like a happier human being without it. If you are also in the same boat and alcohol just doesn’t do it for you right now I’m here to tell you a few ways I still have fun without having a hangover.

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Step by Step How I Ease Stress and Lower Anxiety

Sometimes I have to do a little reality check on myself. This week was one of those times. After a whirlwind of ten days of non-stop travel and then the joys of Thanksgiving I rolled right into this last week with fatigue. Not only fatigue, but my sister spent Friday getting a metal rod out of her leg in surgery. She had an injury five years ago and decided to get the hardware taken out this past week. I didn’t realize just how much all of these blessings would also add extra stressors into my life. I drove into Houston on Friday and let me tell you my anxiety was at an all-time high. Once I returned home I made a decision to do everything I could to clear my calendar for Saturday and just decompress. Anxiety never goes completely away, but I have managed these past few years to get it in a manageable state. I thought it would be wildly appropriate to share what I experience and how I cope with amounting pressure in hopes that it helps you, too.

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